Luis Rodolfo GARCIA CARRILLO - Group

This page contains informatio about my students.

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Current Ph.D. Students

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Diego Chavez Arana, started Ph.D. during the Summer 2023.

Diego is a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research explores the development of neuromorphic computing algorithms for control systems, state estimation, and computer vision. These innovative solutions are expected to impact and revolutionize autonomous navigation, intelligent control systems, and adaptive learning algorithms.

Diego's expertise is multidisciplinary - he holds a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and a Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, both from NMSU.

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Hengameh Mirhajianmoghadam, started Ph.D. during the Spring 2022.

Hengameh is a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research interests include controlling autonomous systems such as UAV, as well as computer vision. She has also worked on system identification, model predictive control (MPC), Neural Networks, and deep learning. She is currently working on vision-based control of a UAV using an event camera.

Hengameh completed her MS in Electrical engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, where she developed the Predictive Hierarchical Harmonic Emotional Neural Network for Controlling Nonlinear Systems.

Hengame's Google Scholar profile can be found here.

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Leonardo Escamilla, started Ph.D. during the Fall 2021.

Current M.Sc. Students

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Nicholas Grijalva, started M.Sc. in Computer Science during the Fall 2022.

Current Postdocs

  1. TBA

Current Visitors

  1. TBA

Former Ph.D. Students

  1. Ernesto Monroy, Advanced Manufacturing, Center of Investigation and Technical Assistance (CIATEQ), Queretaro, Mexico, 2019 - 2023. Thesis: A Methodology for modeling Cyber-Physical Systems for Distributed Control with IEC 61499 Standard

  2. Mohammad Jafari, Electrical Engineering. University of Nevada, Reno, 2015 - 2017. Thesis: Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Systems using Biologically Inspired Reinforcement Learning. (Co-advised with Dr. Hao Xu).

Former M.Sc. Students

  1. Diego Chavez Arana, Electrical and Computer Engineering, NMSU, 2021 - 2023.

  2. Gabriel Alexis Guijarro Reyes, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2018 - 2020. (Co-Advised with Dr. Scott King)

  3. Baoqian Wang, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2017 - 2019. (Co-Advised with Dr. Junfei Xie)

  4. Mehmet Ozkan, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2017 - 2019. (Co-Advised with Dr. Scott King)

  5. Evan Krell, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2016 -2018. (Co-Advised with Dr. Scott King)

  6. Arun Prassanth Ramaswamy Balasubramanian, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2016 -2018. (Co-Advised with Dr. Scott King)

  7. Shawn Browne, Computer Science, TAMU-CC, 2014 - 2015. (Co-advised with Dr. Ahmed Mahdy.)

Former Postdocs

  1. Ignacio Eduardo Jesus Rubio Scola, Ph.D. 2015 from GIPSA-Lab, Université Grenobles Alpes, Grenoble, France. (Currently a Professor at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, as of January 2020. )

  2. Eduardo Steed Espinoza Quesada, 2016, Ph.D. 2011 from CINVESTAV of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. (Currently Professor at CINVESTAV IPN, Mexico, as of August 2017).

Former Visitors

  1. Israel Sanchez Lopez, PhD. La Salle University, Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico. (July 2017 and July 2019)

  2. Marcio Fantini Miranda, PhD. ‎Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil (August 2018)

  3. Andreas Frey, PhD. Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, Ingolstadt, Germany. (February 2017 and February 2018)

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